After earning his film degree from Emerson College, Shane embarked on his Hollywood journey at Hammer Creative, a leading trailer house. Progressing from his early days, Shane's dedication and skill led him to the role of Lead Senior Video Editor, forging partnerships with major studios like Warner Brothers, Paramount Classics, MGM, Sony, New Line, Focus Features, Lions Gate, and more.
Shane's editorial prowess shines through in notable projects such as crafting trailers for iconic films like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," Leonardo Di Caprio's documentary "The 11th Hour," and Michael Haneke's thriller "Funny Games."
In 2008, he collaborated with renowned director James Wan on the spine-chilling trailer for the horror video game "Dead Space." Although the "Dead Space" trailer didn't secure any awards, Shane's overall achievements include winning three Golden Trailer awards for his exceptional work. He also boasts two video game trailers on IGN's list of Top 10 Video Game Trailers of All Time.
Beyond his editing mastery, Shane has ventured into directing, bringing to life short films, spec commercials, and the true-crime feature documentary "Hex Hollow." Currently serving as the Creative Director of Production at Hammer Creative, Shane is also in the process of developing a feature-length film based on his award-winning short film "The Table." His journey stands as a testament to his multifaceted talents and impactful contributions to the world of film and creative storytelling.
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